Concert in Parnassus Hall of Athens Ergastiri Psaltikis meet the Choir of CMKON videos

Ι. Ν. Ευαγγελιστρίας, Νέα Ερυθραία Αττικής Βίντεο

Nativity Concert 2009

December 21   2009, in the hall of the Philological Assiciation “Parnassos”, was given a Nativity concert of Byzantine Music dedicated to the Chanters, Lampadarioses, Domestikoses of the Great Church of Christ, who with great toil and labor have preserved and spread the Constantinopolian Chanting Tradition in our days, amongst whom is the former Domestikos and Archon Music Teacher of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Mr. Demosthenis Paikopoulos.

St. Irini’s Church Galatsi, Athens