Ergastiri Psaltikis Concert in the House of Music in 29/3/2018 Ergastiri Psaltikis Concert in Athens Concert Hall (House of Music of Athens) on the 28th of March 2018.
Athens Concert Hall “Emmela Theia Pathei” 29-3-2018 – Videos Kanonas Holy WednesdayPetrou LambadariouMystagogon SouThrasyvoulou StanitsaThamvos, Idiomelon Holy FridayIakovou ProtopsaltouExedysan meThrasyvoulou StanitsaAnasta o TheosThrasyvoulou StanitsaTin gar sin mitran (Klada 14th C.)According to Stanitsas interpreation
Athens Concert Hall 29 March 2018 Photos Athens Concert Hall Athens Concert Hall Athens Concert Hall Athens Concert Hall John Christopoulos tenor of the Greek Opera Athens Concert Hall Athens Concert Hall Athens Concert Hall Athens Concert Hall Athens Concert Hall Athens Concert Hall With Mr. Politis and Mr. Giannakakis With Mrs Arveler Conductor and choir members of the Byzantine Choir "Theodoros Fokaefs" and Mr. Zoppas